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fluffy_assassins t1_j9bo1io wrote

Yeah, exactly. I almost edited it to say something like that.

Also the Trinity of remote technologies, probably.

I imagine AI will always be cloud based because there's so much more efficient and dedicated competing per available. Quantum computing will probably also always be remote because of the cooling requirements.

Nuclear fusion? We already have it. Look up. Just, remote access to it.


SlowCrates t1_j9bp3p6 wrote

Fusion and quantum computing are the difference between Terminator's Skynet and having new digital overlords.


fluffy_assassins t1_j9bqyye wrote

That's a difference between skynet and digital overlords?


SlowCrates t1_j9c5hz2 wrote

Yeah, Skynet wasn't so superior that it owned the human race. Its machines were not particular clever, and it made the mistake of leaving its central core vulnerable. Those do not sound like the traits of a super intelligence. More like general intelligence geared heavily toward strategic military power. I think of a super intelligence as having limitless power, and having fusion and quantum computing from the start gives a potential AI a huge leg up.