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cloudrunner69 t1_j9ab5hl wrote

>I'm not saying the cause of criminality is a lack of education. Education is the solution.

All I asked is for you to explain what this statement means. You haven't done that.

Because holy shit no one on Earth would have read that statement and thought to themselves it must mean this:

>As you by now understand as well, criminality is complex and multifaceted. There are countless reasons for why somebody would potentially do something that could harm somebody else. There are evolutionary reasons, poverty, fear, security concerns, potentially hundreds of psychological reasons, and many many more we're not aware of.

>Now what's the next step? We can ask why. Why do we have evolutionary biases pushing us to do crimes? Why is there poverty? Why is there [insert issue]?

>You notice, these are all very complex questions in and of themselves. But if you can answer these, if only partially, you can move on to the next step.


Bakagami- t1_j9abv19 wrote

Since it's so hard to get you to understand things I was gonna go about it slowly, but it seems like no way works for you. No wonder you're opposing education as a solution, people tend to dislike what they don't understand.

It is as I said, criminality has lots of reasons, and those reasons can generally be solved through education. I don't think I can simplify this any further for you.


cloudrunner69 t1_j9acdlf wrote

> No wonder you're opposing education as a solution

Where did I say I oppose it?

>I don't think I can simplify this any further for you.

I'm not asking you to simplify anything. I'm asking you to explain what the statement means. But let me simplify the obvious for you - What kind of education is needed to solve criminal behavior?


Bakagami- t1_j9aei63 wrote

Anything from general education about our world and universe to natural sciences and more. But most importantly scientific, critical and rational thinking. The more the better. The quality of the education is of utmost importance as well. Sadly education isn't given the importance it needs in most places today, it has only become a tool to teach you how to do certain jobs. Anything that's not directly related to ones profession is dismissed as unnecessary. I don't consider the majority of students to be much educated in the scientific way, and with people who haven't visited a school or university for ages this tends to be even worse.

Anyways, this trend is very noticable in all of our societies, and there is nothing suggesting it would suddenly change the higher you go. This is where the whole debate began.


cloudrunner69 t1_j9akgy1 wrote

Well I kind of agree though not completely. Who really knows these things. Anyway I better go, just had a sudden traumatic experience and I think I'm in shock, not sure if I can continue this right now. Thanks anyway for watering it all down for me to understand.


Bakagami- t1_j9bxcfa wrote

Hope you're doing better by now. Thanks for the discussion, take care.