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Durabys t1_j75pxlu wrote

Reply to comment by Neurogence in Possible first look at GPT-4 by tk854

If the rumors aren't fake, then Google/Alphabet is right now in Washington D.C. and lobbying like crazy to curtail AI development in Congress. Not due dangers to Humanity. Nah! They no longer care about that--remember, they removed the “Do no evil” from their motto. But because they were asleep at the wheel until right now, and then woke up and got the mother of all frights at the prospect of losing their entire business to new tech. Gee. Karma perhaps?


Zbot21 t1_j75rspd wrote

Alternative Theory, my opinion:

AGI is coming and Google knows it. Sooner than anyone expected.

AGI will be able to rapidly replace all knowledge workers, at least the current skillets they have.

Without some kind of regulation, you're dealing with a huge amount of unemployment in the US.

I'm not sure if regulating AI to make sure it doesn't displace everyone in the white-collar economy is a bad thing.


SurroundSwimming3494 t1_j76yhtv wrote

I seriously doubt Google executives are in DC warning about this, given that most experts believe AGI is still a good ways off (few/several decades).


Lawjarp2 t1_j79ywmt wrote

You are right. Search is their cash cow. No matter who replaces it, Google loses money.