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Yuli-Ban t1_j9eftyb wrote

God, no.

I don't think sentience will or should be widely available for people to torment.

You wouldn't light a campfire with Tsar Bomba— most AIs you're going to interact with won't be the full might of what exists.

For all we know, tiered access to AGI might be what prevents misaligned AI— as we've seen with Sidney, some people are suicidally trollish enough to deliberately try forcing a powerful neural network to go insane. I'm convinced some 4chan autist is going to become suicidally desperate to input a fatal paperclip maximizing or nuclear war prompt injection into a future AI, actually, if and when it doesn't immediately kill everyone.

So to that end, I see an asymptotic flattening in how intelligent game AI will ever get. Not because we lack the capability but because it would cross ethical boundaries and could be made illegal and even be an impetus for regulation of GPUs.