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giveuporfindaway t1_j7j69d9 wrote

Don't care about level 1 since I can't fuck it.

Level 2 or 3 - a lot because of sex/intimacy. To put things in perspective, I like to have sex every day. A high quality very hot escort in my area cost over 1k per hour or more. And this isn't even bareback (which even most high end escorts won't do). Assuming I want to have sex once a day, every day of the year, then that's $365k/yr.

So even if a sex robot cost $365k, this would more affordable past 1 year. Of course I would be more reluctant if it's delicate and will break down quickly. It would need to last at least 5-10 years.

At $100 - $150k I'd be a lot more willing to experiment on a first gen with an unpredictable length of longevity.

I'd rather live in a shitty studio apartment with a supermodel sex bot than a mansion all alone.