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__ingeniare__ t1_ja6z4j2 wrote

Flickering is not solved at the moment yes, but how do you know it is far from being solved? Temporal consistency has already been solved in other aspects of generative AI (like inter-frame interpolation for FPS upscaling). I wouldn't be surprised if flickering is solved by the end of this year. Stable diffusion's Emad has already talked about real-time generated videos coming very soon with a recent breakthrough in their algorithm, allowing for something like 100x generation speedup.


Plus-Recording-8370 t1_jaa70ae wrote

Haven't watched it, but aside from solving the temporal issues, another expected issue when it comes to fluidity is that ai is less likely to chose the same key frames as a human would, thus it all flowing less like we know it. However, that too is not far from being solved either.