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FellatioWanger3000 t1_ja59hes wrote

I can see people experimenting on themselves more in the future, using AI to help. Bypassing medical testing rules and Big Pharma.


Deightine t1_ja5wys0 wrote

People are already doing it right now with anything the FDA isn't regulating. Huge market in adjusting your micro nutrients and amino acids, for example. Some few people hitting themselves with modifications using crispr.

And before the regulations over the pharma industry between 1900-1930, a lot of people were doing some really ethically questionable basement level home science, while snake oil salesman were out selling poisonously doctored cherry juice in the streets. Basically, the scam homeopathy of the 1800s.

One of the fascinating but potentially horrifying elements of singularity is that inevitably, regulation will fall behind advancement, and self-experiment will be one of the few ethical high turnaround human testing models, as it eliminates the coercion ethical concerns. This is one of the reasons that the organs on chips and such are being developed at the moment--cuts out the live animal testing models.

I am a huge fan of the AI premodeling advances right now.


Sea-Cake7470 t1_ja70s7z wrote

But that's not even their fault!! People are tired of their illnesses and innovations and breakthrough in medical science is slower then a slugs pace!!! I mean we don't even have a easy cure for uncomplicated diseases like ibs which a million people suffers from in all over the world!! Let's not even include complicated more serious diseases here when we don't even have cures for comparatively less grave diseases!!! People are tired and desperate for cures and answers and they're ready to take matters in their hands as cures in our regular usual medical fields our sort of Dead!! Like how much do they've progressed in finding cures for common cold,ibs and autoimmune diseases, diabetes!!! If singularity has potential to give me that I'll take it above anything!!!


FellatioWanger3000 t1_ja73ye7 wrote

I agree. Big Pharma's motto has always been, "it's more profitable to treat, than to cure", and people are sick of it.