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Ginkotree48 t1_j7ow3lw wrote

Now I just go about my day happy go lucky. I still believe there is probably something a little more exciting going on with the universe than us being random chance. I like to think the AGI that comes out of this decade goes on to become some god like being with the ability to reproduce the universe and its an infinite cycle of building up from evolution into technology into something that restarts/recreates the universe. Like life on earth. If it wasnt reproducing/replaying it wouldnt be here.

Idk thats my only thoughts on it now and it doesnt take up my life like it did before. Im happy with that and enjoy life every day.


vom2r750 t1_j7owbh2 wrote

Sounds good You don’t have any spiritual practice or meditations you do at the moment, I guess

Well, as long as you are happy day by day That’s what matters most

I’m happy for you ! Take care And thanks for replying !