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Sashinii t1_j7no4pu wrote

AI is already changing the world and we're not even at proto-AGI yet.


BadassGhost t1_j7pprrd wrote

I feel like an unrestricted LLM-powered chatbot is pretty close to proto-AGI. OpenAI is basically lobotomizing ChatGPT to avoid headlines about it claiming sentience or emotions or making controversial statements, so it's not much to go off of.

We haven't been able to play with PaLM or any next-gen versions of it (Flan-PaLM and U-PaLM), but the benchmark comparisons between that and others seem enormous. If you build PaLM with an embedded dataset and cross-attention like Retro, I think that would probably be proto-AGI.

And then the next step from there to actual AGI would be making a multi-modal version of that, like Gato. The only missing ingredient there is getting the model to use one modality to inform about other modalities, which they did not achieve with Gato but are supposedly actively working on


neo101b t1_j7pnq7l wrote

What we had 1 year ago compared to what we have now, is simply amazing.

It feels like AI technology is growing faster than any other technology that's been developed, its going faster than warp 10.