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t1_ja4yarm wrote

This is a beautiful vision, but the variable left out is thermonuclear disaster, ecocide, and cheap energy.

Cheap energy is required for the functioning/evolution of this next plane of existence. None is in sight, and the potential solutions will be fought against with every tool available to the owners of fossil fuel, America.

Note— “America” is this usage denotes the cabal of corporations and government entities that functions under the label of America, or, ‘The West.’

There’s no shortage of examples— more than a million innocents murdered from the attack on Iraq; six million from Vietnam; and that’s not even getting into the century of terror in the Caribbean, South and Central America.

China, oddly enough, seems most on track systematically to evolve into something akin to your short thesis.

But, that evolution depends on an Earth to sustain life, and security, which is difficult when you’ve got the most belligerent State in human history running nuclear war games a few miles of your coast.

Sadly (or not), the most likely next stage for human evolution will be a state of rebuilding and recovery under dire environmental conditions.

Civilizations is indeed collapsing at this very moment, and I dearly adore your vision of whete it goes next.

Unfortunately, the society you describe is a fragile one, and the families that have exploited this planet and its inhabitants for millennia have no qualms about thrashing the chessboard if they feel at even a slight disadvantage.