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blueSGL t1_j96kgc1 wrote

Reply to comment by TFenrir in What’s up with DeepMind? by BobbyWOWO

It's all fine and good being a benevolent company that decides it's going to fund (but not release) research.

Are the people actually developing this researches going to be happy grinding away at problems at a company and not have anything they've created shared?

and see another research institute gain kudos for something they'd already created 6months to a year prior but it's locked in the google vault?


TFenrir t1_j96l9m3 wrote

Yeah I think this is already playing out to some degree, with some attrition from Google Brain to OpenAI.

I don't know how much is just... Normal poaching and attrition, and how much is related to different ideologies, but I think Google will have to pivot significantly to prevent something more substantial happening to their greatest asset.