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Ok_Homework9290 t1_ja2hbyy wrote

I commented this on the Singularity 2023 Predictions thread, and I thought it was appropriate to comment here:

Despite the impressive amount of progress the field of AI has made in the past few years, to my understanding the majority of individuals who are AI/ML researchers still think AGI & ASI are at least a few decades out/mid-century-plus, and when you factor that in with the fact that the average timeline of AGI and ASI arrival dates in AI/ML expert surveys still tends to be some decades from now, it's hard for me personally (as someone who is not an AI researcher) for my prediction not to be at least a few decades out/mid-century-plus for AGI, ASI, & the singularity (since my definition of the singularity is when AI reaches human-level/superhuman-level cognition), as well.

Also, remember to take into account that expert predictions about when we'll have AGI/ASI are usually made assuming that progress in the field won't be disrupted by social, economic, political, etc. factors, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if the singularity didn't happen until the final few decades of the 21st century, given that it's basically a guarantee that those factors will eventually come into play.