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t1_ja8i0k0 wrote

I agree with your premise but categorizing what the Chinese government is doing as "open science" is a bit of a stretch. Who are they sharing it with exactly besides their own government institutions or government backed companies? It's not like China is sharing their AI with the rest of the global scientific community to promote humanity.


t1_ja8tosc wrote

I'm not sure what you mean exactly? There's plenty of freely accessible Chinese sites to grab Chinese research papers and scientific journals from. They're not in English for the most part so you'd have to translate them.


t1_ja90chb wrote

I mean they aren't sharing the most cutting edge material or the substantial amount of data used to build these networks. Here it's held by the collectors...Google, Tesla, Open A/I, NSA, etc. There the government (with the help of business) is the primary collector. All intellectual property there is the property of the government.


t1_ja8qoau wrote

China publishes the most scientific papers in AI of any country so there is definitely some degree of sharing going on.


t1_jaafso0 wrote

So you're saying China should share their scientific discoveries with DARPA?