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t1_j87kdki wrote

Most of this is stupid. If we have a murderous AI take over then the very act of you prepping will highlight you for elimination.

For a lack of UBI "prepping" means building up savings and learning skills that will keep you relevant. This is something everyone should do even if there are no AIs.

The rest of these are run off the mill wars or terrorist attacks and have nothing to do with AI. They would or would not happen just the same regardless of whether the attackers are using AI tools.

Any prepper tendencies should not be affected by the existence of AI.


t1_j87ngvi wrote

I do think it shifts the likelihood of different types of attacks more heavily toward EMPs, at least.


t1_j87s68d wrote

I definitely think it’s plausible for AI designed with malicious intent to wreak havoc in the ways OP mentioned. We’re entering into a phase where there’s thousands of new and competing AI’s popping up. At least a handful of them will undoubtedly be weaponized. I’m actually terrified of the new cybersecurity threats that will emerge (of course there will be “good” AI’s working against malicious actors, but we’re entering uncharted territory).


t1_j88aq4h wrote

Haven't you thought about bioweapons made possible to create for terrorists with the help of AI? I don't want to be stuck in my city with nowhere I could safely hide when the most dangerous virus ever made will be released.


t1_j89b4yl wrote

We had a sarin gas attack in Tokyo. These are things that already exist.

If AI gives everyone access to a bio lab then you will have access to a cure producing one as well.