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SkyeandJett t1_je7pnc9 wrote

You don't understand the implications of a post-scarcity society. UBI is a stopgap that keeps society afloat in the tiny period of time it takes from AGI to hit a critical mass of generalist androids. As your cost of labor approaches zero and your supply of labor becomes unbounded you're only limited by things that are TRULY scarce and there aren't many of those things. I've seen people here say things like beachfront property but you could literally build islands to meet the desires of people who want to live on the beach and all of that really just fills the gap to FDVR.


Sashinii t1_je845w2 wrote

Well said. It really is a shame how so few people acknowledge how advanced technology (like the nanofactory) will enable post-scarcity in the near future.


shmoculus t1_je7y366 wrote



Sashinii t1_je83t5u wrote

No. Cryptocurrency IS scarcity. They're talking about post-scarcity.


Loud_Clerk_9399 t1_je8qvxg wrote

I mean the idea of money goes away. No Bitcoin. No trading for barter no money.


shmoculus t1_je8zz9d wrote

I think this is a bit premature because there is usually some form scarcity either by distance or time and a medium of exchange is necessary to trade these resources

e.g. gold is scarce localy but a sufficiently advanced space mining system will increase supply until we need to get out of the solar system, then you likely have to time constrained scarcity ie have to wait for operations in another star sysytem to be setup and send resources back

Even considering there are billions of people and perhaps a few very disirable places for them to live, how to allocate living space equitably since the qualities that make that space desirable cannot easily be scaled e.g. the historical / cultural value of living in Paris, the beauty of living in Hawaii