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Zetus t1_je1107v wrote

It has shallow understanding of language and other minds. It has a very long way to go before we get to human intelligence.


Bithom t1_je11ur0 wrote

Or you're looking at the wrong place in the graph. Perhaps we're living in a new age of enlightenment and we have a plateau of productivity to look forward to.


Zetus t1_je160sb wrote

I think I agree with that, but also we will have qualitatively new dynamics regarding the kinds of work that can be done, that haven't even been imagined yet.


Bithom t1_je69qlb wrote

Yes I agree. Everyone is worried about AI taking jobs right now. But what will that vacuum of jobs create?

Opportunity? Or Threat?


Graucus t1_je1641n wrote

I think it's possible it'll never be more than that and still be the most powerful tool ever created.