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shmoculus t1_jcoe0fw wrote

When you stare at these generations for hours on end you can pickup subtle differences that give them away. If it's very good it's more like that show Severance, where they look at numbers on a screen and can tell some "feel" bad


citizentim t1_jcp42in wrote

An upvote for Severance. Goddamn that show is so good.


GenoHuman t1_jcqthfd wrote

Oh I have not seen this show, the premise seem very interesting!


Paraless t1_jd8ntos wrote

I loved the first and last episode, hated everything in between.


GenoHuman t1_jd8r26p wrote

I've watched 2 episodes now and I loved em both! I'll keep watching :)


Paraless t1_jd8ulii wrote

Nice, I'm happy for you. When people enjoy something I don't like I feel such envy!


GenoHuman t1_jd94epj wrote

We all like different things, that's perfectly normal! 😉😊


rudanshi t1_jcq1yl8 wrote

The older generations got their brains completely fried with shitty jpegs on facebook, and plenty of young people fall for fake shit too. We're in for a tidal wave of lies flooding social media.


RadioFreeAmerika t1_jctenp4 wrote

It's already happening. And for that reason, I have a little flag in my mind on all content adding a probability of being generated. No content can be trusted any more. This starts from phone cameras automatically "improving pictures", over AI-enhanced mirrors, to your classical generated propaganda.


bildVI t1_jcuc7ag wrote

A few years back I came across a YT channel of some deeply religious guy zooming in on jpeg artifacts, adjusting levels in photoshop and claiming they were evidence of moon bases. I tried searching but it looks like youtube has successfully buried that kind of content in the main search. I can guarantee, if I could find them, there are people claiming generative AIs are evidence for demons when they zoom in all the way and squint hard enough.


signed7 t1_jcoklhk wrote

Yep, I tend to post process these images on Google photos's magic eraser to remove these, it works sometimes...