Submitted by YunLihai t3_127lva9 in singularity
civilrunner t1_jeev43t wrote
Reply to comment by YunLihai in Today I became a construction worker by YunLihai
We also just need blue collar labor today really badly so thanks for joining the workforce.
My wife works in biochemistry labs (as a PhD) and they seem a ways away from being fully automated though perhaps the actual experiments will be automated (would honestly make me feel better if she didn't need to directly work with dangerous drugs, chemicals, and pathogens where exposure can be lethal, though obviously she takes safety precautions).
Large industrial scale manufacturing is primarily automated, but running smaller scale tests are still highly manual including even the pipetting. I think this will change in the coming years, but I still suspect we're a ways away from not needing a PhD overseeing the projects or coming up with new experiments/hypotheses.
By the time AI can do all of that well I expect automation to have hit most careers.
Similarly unique labor is also a ways away. Coming from a structural engineering background, if you can get into old building renovations that may be the longest standing field that needs human labor since most of the time there aren't drawing packages or anything for those so it's really hard to automate since you need to deal with a lot of possibilities. New construction (especially commercial and industrial since architecture isn't as critical there) will be the first to be automated out of construction.
Frumpagumpus t1_jeg8fkx wrote
what do you think of ginko bioworks
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