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t1_je1r36s wrote

AI will not be capable of doing that sales job in a years time.

People are just making wild guesses. There is no thought Ito how complex it will be to get to the next level of AI.

I've seen no evidence that this will happen any time soon. People keep saying the word exponential, and they even post videos of what exponential means, but they proves nothing.

Look at an exponential curve: your have to define where AI is currently in that curve and where it needs to be to achieve the greatness everyone espouses, and also define the small if the X axis.


t1_je1ybjf wrote

Sales will always be a secure field. Be it products, ideas, or methods, there is always something to sell for something. Started in the stone age and will follow through to the ascension age.


t1_je3g9fj wrote

Lol no it's not. We are literally developing Large scale LANGUAGE models first. Sales will be one of the first things to go.


t1_je428jy wrote

Sure, if you have that attitude your sales job will go, but you probably didn't need tech for that to happen.
Sales, psychology, and other people skills will be fine for quite sometime, why? because I ain't gonna talk to no goddamn robot, I buy from someone who can look me in the eye.

Thats why.

If you want to buy a toothbrush, an AI will sell you a toothbrush.

If a salesperson is in charge if the sale, you will ask for a toothbrush and he will ask about it and the intent. he will get to know your situation, and you'll leave with a dental appointment for the black teeth, a doctors appointment for the potential problem going on, some dental floss, some mouthwash, and a new camera for the pictures of you smiling once you use all of it.

A AI will sell you what you need, but a salesman will find out what you want, even if you don't realize it yet.

Which is more important to a company, selling a toothbrush or selling the whole array of products the sell because someone was looking for a toothbrush.

Go listen to some Zig Ziglar. It'll change your life man, and make you less emo along the way.


t1_je2rube wrote

Transformation people don't expect: your machine still needs your tools and your skills, but nobody needs your machine anymore.

A lot of what sales floor staff do is take customers to the thing their money is itching for. Increasingly over the past 20 years they haven't been able to help me because their place doesn't carry what I want, so then I go on Amazon and get exactly what I want.

It keeps getting more and more frequent over time.