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agonypants t1_jefe41n wrote

One of the two political parties in the US are absolutely devoted to the idea that government should never do anything to help individuals in any way whatsoever. And brainwashed people continue to vote for them. This country has been headed in entirely the wrong direction since LBJ. The fact that AI is emerging at a time when our society has never been less prepared for it is unfortunate. At the same time, the disruption of our labor market is going to force the change and progress that's been sorely needed for a long time. There's going to be a painful transition period where wide swaths of people will be unable to put roofs over their heads or food on the table. Unfortunately it takes tragedies like that to get voters to act in their own interests. Look at history - the US dragged their feet on the holocaust until it was very nearly too late. During the Great Depression they continued to vote for Hoover and other politicians that refused to take action. It was only when the public felt real pain that they elected FDR. It's absolutely going to be the same for the emergence of AI and the disruption of the labor market. They will vote for the most selfish, greedy, corrupt, tech-illiterate, god-bothering nitwits right up until it means starvation for their children. It's stupid and tragic, but a valuable lesson for people I guess.