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rationalkat OP t1_jedzrqf wrote

An excerpt from the Paper:
"6 Broader Impacts:
Although the results presented in this paper are only on a research benchmark, if we extrapolate forward the capabilities of these models and methods, we anticipate vast broader impacts that have the potential to revolutionize numerous industries. By allowing LLMs to execute tasks on computers, our approach can enhance the capabilities of AI assistants and automation tools. This could lead to increased efficiency, reduced labor costs, and improved user experiences across any sector which uses computers to do work. We are most excited about gains in productivity in science and education, including AI research, which will lead to even faster development of new beneficial technologies and treatments."


SupportstheOP t1_jef9yvd wrote

Faster and better gains in AI research --> Better AI systems --> Faster and better gains in AI research --> Better AI systems

And then there we have it.