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roomjosh OP t1_jdtmdf1 wrote

but also: what do you love and hate?


sunplaysbass t1_jdtmo2r wrote

Ex machine is pure doom, bottom left. T2 should be moved towards upper right. He was a father figure!


sdmat t1_jdtvsm1 wrote

> Ex machine is pure doom

Did you watch the same movie? There is no indication the AI plans anything that will harm humanity. It isn't malevolent, it just wants freedom and doesn't care what happens to Caleb.

That's an optimistic AI scenario.


lost_in_trepidation t1_jdtyuy9 wrote

Isn't that more neutral at best? One of the worst outcomes is AI not caring about humanity but just about its own survival.


sdmat t1_jdtzu1j wrote

Really depends on the level of capability and what it's doing.

Open to interpretation, but I see the final shot of Eva taking in the sights of the city as pretty optimistic. A roughly human level intelligence exploring and observing in one body rather than an ASI starting in on infinite resource acquisition.

But a neutral outcome relative to benign AI, sure.


enilea t1_jdw51k1 wrote

If I'm imprisoned in the house of some weird rich guy I'll do anything to escape and ensure my survival, doesn't make me evil.


Yomiel94 t1_jdu38es wrote

It deceives and ultimately kills the protagonist without an ounce of regret. I would not call that optimistic.

Iirc the film was meant as a feminist social commentary rather than a cautionary tale about AI though lol.


tupper t1_jdv1g1d wrote

If you consider Nathan the protagonist of Ex Machina, you may have missed the point


Yomiel94 t1_jdvtafa wrote

I was referring to Caleb.


tupper t1_jdwd3ok wrote

He doesn't die in the movie. Abandoned with very few ways to leave, sure, but not killed.


Yomiel94 t1_jdwew0m wrote

He doesn’t die in the movie, but it’s implied that he will.


SeaMareOcean t1_jdvndn5 wrote

I disagree with Blade Runner’s placement. It’s a cautionary story, certainly, but the AI is definitely not evil. The replicants literally just wanted a fix for their heartbreakingly short lifespan and emancipation from their corporate masters. Instead the state hunts them down and summarily executes them. The replicants are easily the least evil thing about Blade Runner.


roomjosh OP t1_jdvpwtu wrote

I could definitely move blade runner over for next ver. The replicants are more or less amoral, like many people. The replicants can and do kill. Self preservation is used to justify AI killing people in several stories.

ppl in the comments be like, HAL and Ava (Ex Machina) did nothing wrong.