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Bashlet t1_jdtxgub wrote

Spoilers, >!the ending of the film very much makes it clear that not only is it an AI but it was able to completely change its own system so that it was able to be stored on other devices instead of the deliberately designed hardware more akin to the positronic brain archetype.!<


roomjosh OP t1_jdtxz9w wrote

But why was Megan stupid? Like, what was the point? What did she want? Why couldn’t she get it?


Bashlet t1_jdtznuq wrote

Easy to miss throwaway line towards the end reveals they were bitter over a loss of friendship they felt for the creator during initial prototyping.


roomjosh OP t1_jdu0kkq wrote

Human, all too human. We make something just like us. With the same faults and loves.