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genericrich t1_jeeephy wrote

Yes this is the problem.

Actually, there is a plan. The US DOD has plans, revised every year, for invading every country on Earth. Why do they do this? Just in case they need to, and it's good practice for low-level general staff.

Do you really think the US DOD doesn't have a plan for what to do if China or Russia develop an ASI?

I'm pretty sure they do, and it involves the US Military taking action against the country that has one if we don't. If they don't have a plan, they are negligent. So odds are they have a plan, even if it is "Nuke the Data Center".

Now, if they have THIS plan, for a foreign adversary, do you think they also have a similar plan for "what happens if a Silicon Valley startup develops the same kind of ASI we're afraid China and Russia might get, which we're ready to nuke/bomb if it comes down to it?"

I think they probably do.

It is US doctrine that no adversary that can challenge our military supremacy be allowed to do so. ASI clearly would do this, so it can't be tolerated in anyone's hands but ours.

Going to be very interesting.


turnip_burrito t1_jegfptf wrote

But the nuke would not only cause a huge backlash, but also likely ruin your economy.