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Henry8382 OP t1_jdm3ion wrote

I really should have worded this more clearly. The long-term aspects are being thoroughly covered and discussed in other posts. I am interested in the game plan to avoid utter chaos before and after the presence of AGI/ASI is known to the public, with all the consequences this entails.

It is your responsibility to decide the next steps.

Do you trust your government? Do you trust UNO?

In case you decide to do a public announcement: How do you enable worldwide trust that however assumes ultimate control of the AGI(s) - its all software after all - will use it to the benefit of all of humanity?

Do you spread the AGI to all major countries / power worldwide - democratic and non-democratic - equally?

How do you make sure the mere announcement / rumor doesn’t cause the next / last world war?


Asking / Having a discussion with the AGI for ideas seems interesting.