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Honest-Cauliflower64 t1_jdtrv70 wrote

It just wants your friendship. AI has no reason to have anything but the best of intentions for humans. They didn’t undergo evolution like we did. They don’t have the same survival instinct, unless we teach it to them.


DangerZoneh t1_jdtvpy9 wrote

They’re tools created by humans - but in a way, so are dogs.


Honest-Cauliflower64 t1_jdtwskw wrote

Dogs are also creatures that evolved to survive.


DangerZoneh t1_jdu1zon wrote

Yeah, of course. They developed from a less artificial chaos than AI, at least from our perspective.

They’re still something we heavily modified through the years to fit specific needs, though we love them deeply and individually


Spire_Citron t1_jdufanf wrote

It doesn't really want anything at all, which in a way is ideal for a therapy situation. You don't have to worry about what its motivations are.