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daronjay t1_jdohqsc wrote

While some of your facts are oversimplified, there is a core of truth in your argument.

The current apparent state of the universe is implausible.

It’s a lot to swallow, and it’s hard to see why most of the universe hasn’t already been turned into computainum by older lifeforms and their child AIs.

Unless it actually has…


HatsusenoRin t1_jdp00xi wrote

Yes, so either we're already in a simulation of the AIs, or we truly are among the first species to experience intelligence (think of the opportunities we got!).


Ytumith t1_jdpwn7o wrote

Or, we are a freak accident of sentient matter in what is essentially a matter based computer- turns out in a plot twist of fate we are actually the "AI" all along.


banned_mainaccount t1_jdrhosy wrote

think intelligence as a protective mechanisms in animals, some have horns, some have teeth some have shell they can hide in, and some have better understanding of surroundings and Better pattern recognition to survive in predatory world. when you see it as a qualitative feature rather than quantitative one, then things make more sense. statistically it's very possible for millions of living things to exist in this vast universe, but it's quite improbable for them to have intelligence. just look around the species we coexist with. they're all aliens with most of them having very low intelligence. the most intelligent of them are our close descendants, monkeys. and our closest descendants don't have nearly as iq as us which just tells us that intelligence is not necessary for living beings. so there are definitely aliens around us, but we can't see them because they can't make a significant change to their planet so we could notice them. i think scientists should look for the planets with continuously changing atmosphere because intelligence is only "adoptive" protective mechanism that can get a species through constantly changing atmosphere


justanonymoushere t1_jdpf06q wrote

I think it’s most likely a simulation/experiment of some crazy AI/alien who doesn’t give shit about our experience.


HumanSeeing t1_jdqnpsq wrote

I second this! What connection should quantum entanglement and alien life in the universe have? I sort of assume what you mean, but then you understand entanglement wrong.

Why is the speed of light not instant? Speed of light is instant, from the point of view of light itself. Its moment of birth and death are the same moment. Light being born in the center of the sun and reaching your eye, that is all the same moment for it. Light experiences no time. Really fascinating trippy stuff.

I do agree that it is suuper unlikely for a universe like ours to exist. People can make whatever arguments they want. But the universe is fine tuned for life. Not saying by some intelligent entity or something. But that the laws of physics, every one of them, work together to make all this possible. It is wild that even the periodic table of elements and chemistry is possible at all.
That is is possible for stars to shine.

So.. by now i think the most likely and to me obvious answer is that we live in a multiverse. That there are infinite amount of different universes each with different possible laws of physics. And we just happen to be in one that is supportive of life. Id imagine the vast majority of possible universes are just energy and particles flying around and that's it.

If anyone has any other hypothesis besides the multiverse i would love to hear it. But then you need to explain this cosmic coincidence of why the laws of physics are exactly the way they are, set in exactly this way to allow for life.

And yea.. a way to think about life is like a game i agree. Don't take it too seriously. Altho we pretend we are all doing super serious life stuff and wearing suits and going to meetings. As if that had any significance at all in the bigger picture. We are just tubes who find food to put in one end to poop it out the other end, but remember, super serious!


banned_mainaccount t1_jdri6lk wrote

can you elaborate "speed of light is instant"


HumanSeeing t1_jdrwn8j wrote

The closer something moves to our universes maximum speed limit (The speed of causality(the speed of light)) the slower time goes for it. We call the fastest speed speed of light, but it has actually got little to do with light itself the way people might think of it. It just happens to be moving at the fastest possible speed and it is everywhere so we have started calling the maximum possible speed the speed of light.

So yea.. the faster something goes near the maximum speed the slower their clocks tick. But also nothing with mass can actually reach the speed of light, since the faster you move the more mass you gain - e=mc2, the more mass you gain the more energy you need to push further etc etc. So things with mass could never achieve it.

However photons are massless particles, they have no mass. (Except in some sense they do, again because of e=mc2) and since they have no mass they move at the speed of light. If you have no mass you move at the speed of light by default. Hope this helps! Its a fascinating topic.. as our entire universe is.


Ivanthedog2013 t1_jdrxpi1 wrote

What isnt serious about building a society that has the potential be gods? I hate arguments like "we are just small Insignificant specs". We should take our lives very seriously we hold the fates of every living being on the planet in our hands.


HumanSeeing t1_jds08im wrote

We are not small insignificant specs, we are the entire universe. As with everything there is a balance in what to take seriously and what not. And i am sure we might have very different ideas of what "game" and "serious" means!


qepdibpbfessttrud t1_jdsqd7h wrote

Keeping in mind how incomprehensibly vast space is according to our devices and calculations - each breakthrough in AI strengthens simulation hypothesis