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FlyingCockAndBalls t1_je8gqju wrote

it feels like the pace is moving lightning fast, and yet also super slow.


acutelychronicpanic t1_je9eqky wrote

The world is mostly sleepwalking through this.

The news tonight if this gets covered: "ChatGPT can do more than just essays? New developments in a field called aye eye might put chemistry homework at risk. More at 9."


KRCopy t1_jeaxro1 wrote

Who else saw and heard the local news guy from Arrested Development (and real life Orange County)?


YaAbsolyutnoNikto t1_je8w8j3 wrote

Why is that?


FlyingCockAndBalls t1_je8wts0 wrote

I guess it's just because there still hasn't been societal upheaval. But rome wasn't built in a day. I guess its like watching the early internet, unable to predict how hard the future is gonna change while the general population just brushes it off till it infiltrates everything