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Federal_Two_1189 t1_jecqwax wrote

Government in foreign countries don't have the morals that Americans do. They're like animals they probably arent even thinking about the dangers of AI, they just want power. They would've been spoken out about it if this weren't the case.


Mysterious_Ayytee t1_jed4r79 wrote

That's hate speak bro


milsatr t1_jed9wj8 wrote



Mysterious_Ayytee t1_jedloov wrote

Governments are people too, equating people(s) with animals is hate speak I got a 3 day ban from reddit admins for comparing the paramount leader with a well known Disney figure.


Canigetyouanything t1_jedms72 wrote

This is the stuff we need to change, We Americans are no better than anyone else, we go around poking beehives, this breeds a false sense of superiority, it brainwashes our people into thinking our leaders will do anything at all thats benevolent and good for mankind. This type of attitude comes from those of us that have our people gunning eachother down in schools and stores. Be better to yourself and open your mind a bit, its all good man.