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Redditing-Dutchman t1_jdfz9qo wrote

I mean i switched to being self employed 10 years ago already and live basically like this now. No AGI needed. I would never go back to office work even if it pays much more.


AdorableBackground83 t1_jdghdvb wrote

I hear you. In a Post AGI world where the 9-5 is a distant memory and with the necessities and even luxuries of life provided unconditionally we will see a level of freedom never before seen. True freedom, not the BS you hear from politicians. Stress levels will drop to all time lows and people can finally pursue the dreams they actually want without worrying about “making ends meet”.

In fact somebody in the comments was like “majority of people would get bored. They might wanna go back to work to fulfill their time”.

Im like dude GTFO. I would rather be a couch potato than be some corporate slave 1 billion out of a billion times.