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Ytumith t1_jdh5ynt wrote

I work now to get training on integrated devices and see myself as an engineer in some years. If I didn't have to maintain my money, I would still have to prove my academic degrees. In fact my spending is optimized so that I have 0,00€ at the end of each month.
If the world was finally automatized and I could just live, I wouldn't change a thing except do sports and arts projects more often.

I honestly hope that I become obsolete during my lifetime, because that would mean engineers as a total have won the game.

My plan for retirement now is that when I am too old to focus on anything anymore, I will save up to buy a boat, probably a tug boat.
Then get some people to join me to go collect plastic from the garbage patches on the pacific ocean. Idk what to do with the plastic, but probably recycle it into granulate.
It's going to be old fuckin' people with all sorts of diseases and mental dysfuncitonality playing One Piece, fighting ocean pollution. If my genetical profile holds true to my family, I'll develop Alzheimers disease at about 90, so I'll have about 12 years time to control a boat. Unless of course somebody finds a cure, which looks promising.