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SgathTriallair t1_jd6jign wrote

How dare he want to save children's lives. Every single philanthropic organization has funds that make money. If they didn't invest and grow a fund, they would quickly die, and the goal they were set up for would suffer.

Any of these countries could kick him out, just like they could kick out any business or other NGO that was trying to operate in the country.


[deleted] t1_jd6t4z5 wrote



SgathTriallair t1_jd7zcqu wrote

The ideal situation is that a democratically rejected and accountable government should be doing this work. They aren't though so someone needs to step into the breach.

The misalignment is of course undesirable but to act as if it's some evil plot is ridiculous. His work on ending malaria will do more to help humanity than we can possibly imagine. Tackling the single biggest cause of human death is more than enough to justify his philanthropy.


[deleted] t1_jd85gn8 wrote



Hotchillipeppa t1_jd96qcu wrote

It’s funny, for a sub who generally prides itself on critical thinking, a lot of people upvote the comment defending bill gates, believing his charity justifies the insane wealth he has.