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sumane12 t1_iqx79hi wrote

The fact that we are now questioning the definition of AGI should tell you all you need to know. We have advanced to the point that a few years ago, people would have been convinced AGI has been achieved given its current capabilities.

I think AI and human intelligence (HI) is different, AI has not had to suffer 4 billion years of natural selection in a predator/prey environment, its goals (in my humble opinion) will never be comparable to our goals, it might not even be able to have goals that are not dictated to it by us (much like our goals are dictated by natural selection). While those differences remain, people will still not be convinced AI has been achieved (even if all of its capabilities surpass HI).

Personally I think my perspective of AGI will be achieved by 2028, and that perspective is a chat bot that can have an engaging human level conversation, can carry out basic requests, and can fully function as a worker in 90% of jobs. But hey, that's just my opinion 🙂