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onyxengine t1_irbs1fi wrote

We’re on the verge of a technologically induced phase change of human civilization. We’re at a point where stand alone discoveries are a thing of the past. This technology could turn out to be a solution for 1000s of different medical problems. Penicillin is one drug that saved a lot of lives, the break throughs now are processes or algorithms that will have multiple applications and integrate with other technologies. Wild times to be alive.


[deleted] t1_irbtgpz wrote

You have summed up my thoughts. I try and visualize a the snowball effect in my in my head. It has been rolled on the top of a mountain with a huge flat area with little ups and downs, slowly slowly gaining in size, sometimes it would fall a bit and crack open and shrink in size. Then it starts getting a bit steeper, we're in the enlightenment now, then all of a sudden, wait, is that a cliff? I just see sky... nope, massive slope ahead. The snowball is now 20 times the size it was just at the start of the hill and it isn't stopping. The steep slope was pretty long, now it's levelled a tiny bit, the snowball is 2000 times the size now. The snowball then reaches another what appears to be a cliff, all we see is sky, where is it going? We don't know, but we're gripping on this time because we just passed the first cloud line and now there's another. This can be the biggest one yet.

Makes you wonder, are there other snowballs out there? Will we combine?


onyxengine t1_irbu4yn wrote

I try to keep track of what is possible in software and biotech, I’ve heard there are some hardware, materials, and energy breakthroughs going on. There are a lot of snowballs right now.


[deleted] t1_irbv18i wrote

We're going to need some seriously good science communicators tbh. This shit is hard to keep up with.


Professional-Song216 t1_ircea2w wrote

Yea I was gonna say we’re like gonna experience several hundred if not more penicillin level discoveries and that’s an understatement