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AstronautOk1143 t1_irb4ghl wrote

I don’t think we have much of an energy crisis. It can be easily solved once politicians stop listening to moronic environmentalists that just want to ban everything. Focus on nuclear and other sources wherever it makes sense. Progress will not always go up but we have no idea where the limit lies thus we cannot say it will halt anytime soon, it’s more likely to continue an upward trend that to halt. AGI who the hell knows, however; we don’t need agi for the current technology to severely impact society.


[deleted] t1_irca2uk wrote



AstronautOk1143 t1_ircosoc wrote

nah, that's the reason we have an energy crisis. Environmentalist spotted the problem but they are the worst at coming up with a solution. They are the whole reason Germany got rid of their nuclear power and became russia's bitch. Environmentalist are idealistic and extremely bad problem solvers, incapable of finding middle ground or adopting any reasonable solution. they even complain about wind and solar, come on. we are super close to nuclear Armageddon because they pressure germany's government so much and spineless politicians listened.