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t1_irhwsd7 wrote

I'm not here to stroke my ego, I don't need to win every internet talk, and I'll be gladly proven wrong.

The dude who replied above didn't really engaged in a discussion, didn't ask me "why do you think so?" , instead went in with stupid questions that didn't lead nowhere.


t1_irhwwbz wrote

He asked for your definition of sentience, that's a crucial point to understand your argument, and you're the one who refused to develop. You were not attacked at this point.


t1_irhx77e wrote

I understand that but what is the purpose of asking general definitions when the information is available at Wikipedia? My answer wouldn't really be that different from what is available to the general public.


t1_irhxktq wrote

There is an active debate about what sentience is, and depending on what you put in the word, it could explain why you see AGI happening later than most voters.