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Mooblegum t1_irje4fj wrote

Yeah that would be great to have AI work to create better medical and psychological treatment, reduce the poverty and create better, less corrupted politics. Instead we have images, music, video website generation. It is all good but the most important issues are not that, this is just intertainment.


Smoke-away t1_irjojw1 wrote

I don't think it's an either-or scenario with generative media. Medical, poverty, and political issues are very difficult things to solve, even with AI assistance. They will also require societal and ethical changes.

Generative media showed the potential for how powerful distributed AI technology can be when people are able to modify it so many different ways. I would even argue that AI entertainment is the first step in making entertainment more affordable for everyone. One day an AI will generate personalized movies, music, and games exactly to a user's preferences for relatively low cost compared to what people pay today for subscriptions.

If this same distributed approach is applied to the issues you mentioned I think we will have a good future not beholden to one company or country.