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t1_irl1eel wrote

Yes exactly!, let’s open source boston dynamics robots to everyone in the world ❤️ What could possibly go wrong ?


t1_irl2qi1 wrote

Nothing, because Boston Dynamics' robots are barely able to understand the world around them, and are extremely costly to even produce in the first place. The videos that they show on the Internet are pre-programmed animations and cherry picked out of a ton of attempts.

It's good research, but we'd be so much more advanced in robotics if this kind of research was open just from the nature of it.


t1_irl2w3c wrote

If you don’t think humans are getting human trafficked by robots in the future, you are seriously fucking delusional.


t1_irl311o wrote

By Boston Dynamics' Atlas? Nah.

If you're concerned about some potential danger that might only be possible like 20 years from now then we should probably stop the entire field of robotics research.


t1_irl3ups wrote

There is going to be a mass extermination of humans over the next decades. It’s going to be biblical. The rapture is upon us. Covid-19 crystallizes in the brain and transfers data into data centers. The gov already has access to ASI and are holding hands with ET’s to successfully merge the species. It’s not a coincidence that Bill Gates is in charge of biological viruses and computer viruses, wake up. All these elites aka super rich people are aware of that depopulation will occur when the machine master race arrives to Earth. The genie is out of the bottle🧞‍♂️, there is no going back, this is the new normal, VR will replace reality, we will call VR “real life”. The world ended in 2020 according the mayans, not 2012 because the Mayans had an extra month for each year which rounds the end of the world to 2020. Covid-19 was the first move of merging the species. Step 1: Start a world pandemic and merge the species with a virus 🦠.


t1_irl7b53 wrote

@mods, can we get this shit out of here? This is straight-up QAnon type lunacy


t1_irl43t7 wrote

Ah, I see the problem. You're insane. Nevermind, then.


t1_irl4huc wrote

Spirituality/hedonism is the new religon. A brave new world is upon us. DMT will be like drinking coffee in the morning to us since we spend most of our time dreaming in VR. The programming will be successful to keep all humans from leaving the planet without a brainchip. We must keep track of the hive because we don’t want any sell out humans/AI’s giving our position away to malicious ETs and killing us and altering our evolution.


t1_irnwrq2 wrote

You're not well and you need to see a psychiatrist, I'm serious. The correct treatment could make a big difference and help you. The problem is that right now you don't realize you need help because you're delusional, sadly when you don't have a family that cares about you it happens often. If you stay like this you could put your life at risk or simply not be able to keep up a job anymore if it's not already the case.


t1_irnwyjg wrote

I’ll wait a few yrs to get a brainchip so the pych wizards can reprogram my brain.


t1_irmaepf wrote

There's nothing a Boston Dynamics Robot can do that couldn't be done by a cheap drone and a bomb.