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t1_irtn03e wrote

As far as the amount of stuff I saw generated using NovelAI - maybe they got more accurate generation than base SD but level of detail has been the trade off. Everything is butter and plastic.


t1_iru86ca wrote

I combined NovelAI, Stable Diffusion, and Waifu diffusion, and it looks kinda uncanny, but it also has an absolutely beautiful style (I didn't specify style at all)


t1_iru42eg wrote

How do I use Novel AI Stable Diffusion?


t1_irv14rt wrote

It's paid but supposedly the model got leaked and SD newest retards guide has instructions on how to use it.


t1_irx4sv5 wrote

I see the pirates have tried to mitigate their PR image with their support naming choices


t1_irx9vwz wrote

> support naming choices



t1_irxauvz wrote

“SD retards guide” lol.


t1_irxbig6 wrote

Oh, that's not pirates' idea. That guide was called like this since at least a day after SD release and the authors just gather together as much Stable Diffusion versions and improvements as they can which also happens to include pirated stuff.


t1_irvg2d3 wrote

Almost like different human artists having a style they are particularly good at...


t1_irw0717 wrote

Notice the hands are conveniently behind the back. AI art still sucks at hands.


t1_isgfx11 wrote

Danbooru is getting criticism for AI that was taught on it. That's not fair, it's not Danbooru's fault. Anyway, I'm going to wait a few years until AI can actually rival good artists. I don't want the Web to be flooded with millions of mediocre and similar AI "artworks".


t1_itd6ojh wrote

Danbooru is an illegal site to begin with. Reposting copyrighted artist works is an infringement of copyright. The only reason they are up is because the vast majority of content on there is of Japanese origin, and the Japanese couldn't care less about the overseas market. You see the same thing happening with anime/manga piracy sites.

What NovelAI did is perfectly legal, you can train AI's on copyrighted material. If there is anyone artists should be angry at, it's Danbooru for basically creating a database that is practically made for AI training.


t1_itfpl11 wrote

Danbooru is like a library of anime (often sexual) art. It is all tagged. Are you angry at your local library for lending books that are copyrighted? I don't think so. If not for Danbooru, I wouldn't know about many good artists. I came upon my all-time favorite artist on Konachan in 2011 (I used to browse E-Shuushuu and other websites, not Danbooru). Back then, Pixiv was 100% in Japanese and translators were nearly useless. With anime and manga things are different, because they are media you have to pay for. Paid rewards are banned on Danbooru since 2020. Art on Twitter etc is free and Danbooru always provides links for sources.