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gameryamen t1_irxgosh wrote

Codifying love is so hard that even after thousands of years writing about it, singing about it, and telling stories about it, we still don't agree on what it means. Love means something different to a vegan and a farmer, a banker and a beggar. Who's version of love gets used? What if, in an effort to incorporate all the different ideas humans have about love, it produces behavior that we don't understand to be loving? What if that behavior is only loving from a perspective that humans don't have access to?

Remember, in the Matrix, the machines didn't enslave humanity in a virtual world to farm them as batteries. They imprisoned them and tried to make the prison as pleasant as it could be while they cleaned the world we destroyed, so we'd survive long enough to have another chance. That was an act of love, but most of the humans involved along the way (at least the ones that got to know what was happening) instinctively considered the machines to be malicious.