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2Punx2Furious t1_is0hl3i wrote

Don't remember exactly when, but probably more than 5 years.

Depends what you mean by "optimistic", as I've seen people mean very different things, depending on what they believe will happen.

If you believe that the singularity will be good, then it would be "optimistic" for it to happen sooner.

I don't believe that.

I think it has the potential to be very good, or very bad. And right now, the likelihood of it turning out bad, is higher than the good one.

As for timelines, my opinion changed significantly over the years. I used to think that Kurzweil's estimate of it happening by 2045 was way too early, and I predicted it closer to 2065. Now I think it might happen even sooner than 2045, maybe even within 2030, very likely by 2040.