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RichardChesler t1_ist87qe wrote

I think it’s a problem AI needs to fix or else it threatens it’s own exisitence. It’s pretty clear that human ambition is the likliest existential threat to humanity, and by extension AI’s

Maybe I’m just being optimistic. I don’t even want to think of the pessimist case


starfyredragon t1_istac7i wrote

Well, I'm personally of the mind that I'm going to go full brain-upload as soon as reasonable, so I constantly think about what it'd be like to be a consciousness existing on a stable silicon substrate.

And thinking from this angle, if production & use of repair parts can be automated to where human intervention isn't neccesarry (very likely as the majority of the computer manufacture supply chain is automated), there's actually little need for humans... or any organic life, for that matter; in other words, there's far easier methods than fixing humanity's plethora of problems. All the neccesarry components for an AI's survival can be mined, and don't have any needs that are required to be supplied by a biosphere.

I'm a compassionate individual, so I'd probably still do it, but I recognize there'd be no required impetus for someone who didn't grow up human.