Submitted by phantasm_ai t3_y6gi8p in singularity
katiecharm t1_ispnef9 wrote
Give these people ALL the money. Stable Diffusion is one of the coolest things humanity has done this entire year.
_dekappatated t1_ispqyr3 wrote
101 million seems like a lot for them with all the competition in AI generated images, dalle2, midjourney, and others. Shows how massive they expect AI generated art to be. I also hope that all the money doesn't make them like openAI and go closed source.
SituatedSynapses t1_isprth2 wrote
Exactly! It's not a AI hidden behind walls. It's a transparent, community of talented creators & developers. The more projects like this in the world the better the future we will have.
drsimonz t1_ispt7ul wrote
I wouldn't get too excited. It's very common for companies to start charging for previously free services. Stable Diffusion was very well timed since it was able to ride the considerable DALL-E hype, while sweeping the rug out from under them by publishing the weights. But at the end, this is a for-profit company and will inevitably need to deliver to shareholders by creating revenue streams. There's an unavoidable conflict of interest once you realize you're competing with your own open source distribution.
Artanthos t1_ispunk5 wrote
In ten years people will be saying the same thing about them that people say about Amazon today.
Assuming they don’t go the way of Boston Dynamics and get purchased by a large corporation.
blueSGL t1_ispuvph wrote
>once you realize you're competing with your own open source distribution.
ain't that the truth, I'm amazed when I listen to Emad Mostaque (founder of Stability AI) talk about their implementation of Stable Diffusion and he's going on about upcoming features 'coming soon' and I've already been running them for days/weeks on the Automatic1111 fork, it's just bizarre.
Meekman t1_ispvy9n wrote
Then Amazon will likely purchase it.
Artanthos t1_isq4efj wrote
Or Google, or Meta, or Adobe.
Lots of established companies that could scoop them up.
DukkyDrake t1_isqfwfv wrote
The difference between a polished release and a nightly build.
DukkyDrake t1_isqg1mv wrote
What for? Where do you think they got the compute from?
DukkyDrake t1_isqg87a wrote
Your trust doesn't pay their bills.
Effective-Dig8734 t1_isqiehc wrote
But 101 million does 😂
imlaggingsobad t1_isqmhmy wrote
what do they say about Amazon?
imlaggingsobad t1_isqmviv wrote
I don't see the problem with this. At least we know there will be fierce competition. This is what propels innovation. The costs will come down dramatically later on in like 10 years. Right now we just need incentives for engineers to build really good technology.
FranciscoJ1618 t1_isqudyt wrote
Haha Sam Altman is crying!
Artanthos t1_isr1oq1 wrote
I'll leave it up to you to browse reddit and find snarky comments about Amazon and Bezos.
rnimmer t1_isr75j5 wrote
They aren't fixated on just image gen. Stable Diffusion is one of their products, not their bigger picture.
They recruited some pretty recognizable names in the industry, so its become a fairly solid bet.
rnimmer t1_isr7q3p wrote
Your take assumes they will be unsuccessful at their mission. They are building towards an automated future. If they (and the rest of the industry) are successful, the economy will be transformed in ways not seen since the industrial revolution. The competition-driven profit motive is being replaced. This tech is way bigger than any one company.
Meekman t1_isr8bun wrote
My response was more tongue in cheek.
Although when AI does full movies and shows with just text... we'll see streaming services interested.
drsimonz t1_isr8npb wrote
Sorry if I sounded too cynical. I am looking forward to seeing what this company does! But I do think that taking serious investment money is almost guaranteed to affect their priorities. Just look at OpenAI. It was all "save humanity this" and "working for a better future that" but now that they're backed by Microsoft their ideals seem to be a bit less lofty. And let's not forget Google's long lost "don't be evil" motto.
Now IANAL so I don't know if Stability AI has some kind of clever charter document that prevents the their long term goals from being undermined even if the board of directors changes their mind...but I'd be pretty surprised if they did. Honestly it doesn't bode well for The Control Problem when you consider that we can't even prevent corporations, made entirely of human employees, from turning evil eventually.
ObjectiveDeal t1_isrfaqs wrote
Everything will be a service. If you want to use any ai you will have to buy some special currency. This is what they want to do with ai. Control it and make it a feature for other programs. Same thing what Microsoft is doing. With ai and Microsoft 365
Skullmaggot t1_isrfvjx wrote
With what money once all the jobs are taken by AI?
Akimbo333 t1_isrlmrh wrote
Good point!
Akimbo333 t1_isrlnn3 wrote
Well then what are they planning?
cyb3rg0d5 t1_iss6u8i wrote
No, why would it?
Itmeld t1_istvajh wrote
do you think that Universal Basic Income will ever come to pass?
mart1nm t1_isufz7c wrote
>competition in AI generated images, dalle2, midjourney, and others. Shows how massive they expect AI generated art to be. I also hope that all the money doesn't make them like openAI and go closed source.
You have a very optimistic view of all of this, could you talk more about the transformation of the economy or point me to some good sources?
AdditionalPizza t1_isye3co wrote
Another person that thinks this AI just parses images and combines them. A lot of people really don't comprehend the magic going on here.
YensinFlu t1_isz8azx wrote
I believe they're working on video and audio generation as well. Probably more but those are the 2 I've heard talked about
Akimbo333 t1_it1a0l3 wrote
Oh ok interesting!
[deleted] t1_isp10jd wrote