R3StoR t1_it1mvb1 wrote
Humans live to struggle. A lot of our emotional wellbeing is built around our sense of our personal struggle and how that reverberates in our relationships with other people. Some people who've lived close to death, say they'd never felt truly alive before that.
Compare this with a spoon fed life of AI and robots pandering to humans spending their life persuing iterative novelty. We've maybe even seen the future of AI/VR in the first person games that we already have. Maybe another round of fighting highly realistic bloody battles... without the pain....or death...??
Of course in this dystopian AI/robot future everyone's apparently "yearning for"(!?) we could still keep doing other "more valuable activities"(!?).... hobbies?? scientific research? philosophy? fucking 24/7?
(As an aside, I'd probably opt to spend most of my time with nature and farming...and a bit of fucking. I will probably be exterminated for getting in the way.)
Anyhow, take away a person's "struggles" and they may go crazy grappling with their inner self and (the already obvious answer to the problem of) trying to find meaning in an existence where their life is basically "unnecessary".
For some perspective, most people in the modern world think that life without war is ideal (and I'd agree). But if you could time travel and ask a Viking, some of them might have felt that a life without ever going to battle would be a life missing life's peak experience. And maybe they'd already figured out the finest way to enjoy a round of "ultra real VR" (without respawn options) without ever contemplating that they were already living in a simulation?! (As we may be also of course)
As humans, we've already lost so many of the major and minor experiences of being alive I feel.
If the singularity is all about "having more of whatever we think we want" then get ready for.....
"Mundane Living 2030".
RavenWolf1 OP t1_it7eyn6 wrote
I want to "struggle" in games and VR but not in real world.
R3StoR t1_it9wz23 wrote
If you give up your body, both would be possible. I guess that's where we are headed. Ultimately becoming cyborgs or brains implanted into robotic bodies. Then we can live in space or a dying hot planet...and enjoy our games /s.
RavenWolf1 OP t1_ita1est wrote
And here is the problem which I dislike so much. Many say that we need to work because we need that struggle. These people probably think that we can't have games and VR because we have to be here to struggle to do some meaningless jobs even when we have robots doing everything. These people probably just invent and forces society to do some meaningless jobs.
R3StoR t1_itf48zp wrote
I'm up voting you because I'm in agreement about the meaningless jobs part but I also have a different take about what a "meaningless job" entails.
For me a meaningless job is a job that doubles down on being sedentary. From office job to the sofa - back and forth.
Humans need to "work" physically.
It doesn't have to suck but the gym for 30 minutes a day also isn't enough. And most people will elect to do the minimum, given a choice. Maybe our post-singularity-UBI should be paid in steps taken per day?
Our physical form is the result of millions of years of survival level exertion and "work" - for most of the daylight hours, every day. The "work" required to get food (either hunting, gathering or farming it) is what we evolved towards - and it is therefore essential and meaningful. Not needing to go do shit jobs sitting at an office all day may help free us up a lot...but to do what? Once "free", there's going to be a lot of idle and restless people roaming around. Do you think gun laws are gonna get seriously tougher before the singularity!?
Either way, if we stop physical work as a mass level contingency for our existence, our bodies will atrophy (which is happening already). It's far more complicated that just stretching and using our muscles though. Getting sunlight, fresh air, adjusting focus, getting contact with microbes in the soil and nature are all fundamental to our health.
Of course maybe we can somehow combine VR/AR/AI to enhance our physicality - but it's unlikely to work out this way due to commercial influence. The money will go where there's more money to be made. So we'll see the technology confining us to our unhealthy indoor existences even more than we already are - because of profit (and control!). And venturing outside will be to run the gauntlet with "restless people" who will feel the need to create some real life drama.
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