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Kinexity t1_itdfij6 wrote

Bro, I literally study physics and currently have physics of weather and climate classes and a simple graph of CO2 absorption spectrum, CO2 levels and Earth's energy balance prove your wrong. Since the start of industrial revolution CO2 level grew by over 30%. It's not like there is that many of it in the atmosphere as if we were to compress it on sea level to standard pressure you get barely 3 metre high layer. It's fairly small amount. Increase in CO2 levels correlates with estimation of industrial emissions. There was no other significant sources at that time other than human industries. Then what follows is imbalance in energy received by Earth which is just on average +1 W/m^2 which causes increase in total energy stored on the surface of the earth which we observe as increase of temperature. It's not that fucking hard to understand. The longer we do measurment's the less we observe effects of Sun's activity because it turns out the Sun is quite stable and it's energy output doesn't really change. Earth's climate is a very complex dance of many effects and small alterations do change a lot. Over 30% increase in CO2 concentration isn't insignificant for a gas which has a lifetime of thousands of years in the atmosphere we reached such high increase because there isn't a lot of it in the atmosphere.

You could have literally chosen a more sane stance that effects of climate change aren't that signinficant and it's not really a problem but instead you've gone full crazy lying that climate change isn't real which is only true if you ignore 96% consensus in the scientific community and the overwhelming amount of scientific papers that support this consensus. Science isn't politics, if you lie but your lie will be discovered. People who deny climate change either have stakes in biggest polluters or are stubborn idiots railed up by said people who can't accept that changes need to be made.


beachmike t1_itdhbhk wrote

Yes, I agree: you're a brainwashed climate cultist. To the people out there that think for themselves: THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS.
