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Surur t1_itdgyk1 wrote

Money is something humans use. When the robots run the mines and the foundries, and the factories it's not really needed anymore.


KingRamesesII t1_itdr8t2 wrote

I agree. To look at it another way, money is time. Maybe time x energy.

Robots have infinite time and access to energy (ultimately from the sun), so money won’t be needed in a post-scarcity society where everything is abundant due to top-down robot vertical integration.

If the robots are aligned, and unconscious intelligence, then it’s without any ethical pitfalls, and we can have our Star Trek moneyless utopia.

But we’ll probably have WW3 first.


purple_hamster66 t1_itdsqkt wrote

AGI doesn’t give us cheap robots, does it? Imagine a robot building a mining robot who is not fully trained and ends up collapsing the mine, burying all the other robots down there. Are you just going to build a new set of digger robots to rescue the buried ones? Where does this end?


KingRamesesII t1_itdtjzz wrote

I should have clarified. I agree with Sam Harris when he explains that AGI is effectively ASI. AI are already superhuman in every narrow case, and with perfect memory. So when you create the first AGI, it will actually be smarter than any human that has ever lived.

So in your case, you wouldn’t have to worry about mining because the AGIs assigned to mining would be the best miners in history, better than any human could do it.


milkomeda22 t1_itflyko wrote

It is also necessary to take into account the large consumption of energy and resources for the operation of ASI. In the best case, we will need a data center with at least 15,000,000 servers (Google has only 1,000,000). With such a large amount of equipment and the existing architecture, the equipment will fail very often, and it needs to be serviced in a timely manner. The solution lies in a decentralized system, but there are problems here too. It would be more like swarm intelligence. Alternatively, we can train biological nerve tissues that learn faster and more efficiently. But how to create such a smart AI? We are limited and we can't do it on our own. Then we can try to create an environment for the evolution of millions of scanned connectomes using a system to simulate biological processes. We need a self-organizing asynchronous system, which is the brain. As a result, we will only have to bring this system to operability in a few hundred years and wait for the singularity.


Wassux t1_itfmibw wrote

What are you talking about. AGI will probably use only slightly more energy than humans and doesn't need datacenters at all because we would use edge ai


milkomeda22 t1_itfncec wrote

>What are you talking about. AGI will probably use only slightly more energy than humans and doesn't need datacenters at all because we would use edge ai

This works with targeted tasks like mining, but we need centralized processing to make long-term plans.


Wassux t1_itfxh7n wrote

I know, but why do you think that would need that much storage and processing power? Humans are already smart enough to do that and we use about 25 watts of power. The future for processing centers in AI is analog and won't use much more power.


insectpeople t1_itek3gs wrote


Any AGI will be communist.

It’s an absurdity to assume that an advanced intelligence would keep using our primitive barbaric capitalist system, with so much garbage still hanging on from medieval feudalism, when we already have theorists that have been able to model what will come afterwards.

It’s possible an AGI will even be able to internally model what will come after a communist system, too, although it seems like it would need to transition us via a communist system first to get there