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AsheyDS t1_itv4znk wrote

Sure, there are outliers of course, but I'm talking the typical route to sleep for most people. Altering your rhythms and state of consciousness will obviously change that. I've heard of this technique but not by name, and I've probably done it but I still can't say I've been able to recall the moment I actually fall asleep. As someone who has had severe sleep problems in the past, I'm occasionally wary of my ability to actually fall asleep when I'm trying to, so I'm often aware of my last conscious thoughts before falling asleep, but I'm not aware they were last until I've woken up again.

Lucid dreaming is a very interesting thing, and I've done it quite a few times, but never really intentionally. I do know that if you consume caffeine a little while before sleeping, it can have a similar effect and will be more likely to induce lucidity. So yeah I know falling asleep can vary just as much as the sleep state itself, but I'm still pretty sure most people don't typically remember the moment they go unconscious. And even seamlessly going from being awake to a lucid dream and being aware of that is probably not very common.


freebytes t1_itwbmpw wrote

While I am positive that I dream, I am not aware of dreaming much. I remember having a dream perhaps once every six months to a year. It is rare. However, I have been drinking coffee with mushroom extract in it, and I have had three dreams that I recall within the past two weeks. (It is not coffee itself because I drink about 40 ounces per day at all times throughout the day.) I have not noticed any other experiences from the mushroom extract other than my 'dreams coming back'. (Which I do not necessarily appreciate because most of my dreams are actually nightmares.)

Anyway, the reason I mention this is because I have had many scenarios where I realize I am dreaming for such dreams that I remember. Even though my dreams are rare, I often realize they are dreams while I am within them. I once had a dream years ago where I woke up only to find out that I had awakened inside of another dream. (My brain was trying to trick me. Perhaps my lack of remembering or noticing my dreams is because I wake myself up so often when I realize they are happening.)