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stupendousman t1_ix1hv3a wrote

> 1960s manufacturing no longer exists in the US because we buy all our shit from China and print dollars backed with force and financialization of the economy.

The point was about centralization, as this: "Tech trends towards decentralization" clearly refers to.

Mid-century US was all about centralization in business and government.

>Your version of the future only works with portable matter replicators


>As long as production has to be centralized because of supply chain complexity and economies of scales

The internet makes supply logistics pretty easy. Economies of scale are required for some business plans, not all by a long shot.

> Relying on your local factory owner for all of your goods and services is a lot less utopia and more feudalism.


Take a few minutes and read I, Pencil.

A small business can set up supply contracts from other businesses all over the world.

>On the other hand this sounds like a great situation for the majority, unemployable and relying on charity to survive

I see, your conceptual models are taken straight from dystopian fiction.

>wait this is just seizing the means of production and you’re advocating for communism!