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ArgentStonecutter t1_ixiqkc5 wrote

No straw man. You brought up NDEs as support for your argument. I'm objecting to using NDEs as support for your argument. If you agree that they're not support for your argument after all, we're done.

Then you brought up "we can't argue about it because we don't REALLY know anything". We actually do know quite a lot, so THAT's a total straw man, but whatever. It's still not evidence that NDEs are evidence for anything.


[deleted] t1_ixiu2kf wrote



ArgentStonecutter t1_ixiulku wrote

They're not data.


[deleted] t1_ixiym6d wrote



ArgentStonecutter t1_ixiyvcy wrote

Completely unrelated. Even if there is some continuity of memory Beyond Death there is no reason to assume that it is anything but a dead record and has nothing to do with consciousness.