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Rumianti6 t1_ixkt5gs wrote

I can. Even SD2 is still pretty subpar.


Strange_Vagrant t1_ixl47ye wrote

A flippant response to a flippant response to a flippant OP. I get what you're all saying (AI art can be rough around the edges) but the underlying reality that the hand drawings aren't what's critical here makes both comments so disposable.

You may be a talented artist but your craft will be fundamentally changing over the next year. Concerns about details (such as initial hand drawing) will butt up against the reality of customer expectations. Many paying customers don't really care about the nuances you learnt in your education/experience.

They want a cheap, quick, and good render of thier idea. The classic quality/cost/time triangle is collapsing into a singular dimension of quality where the distance between what weeks of what an experienced and trained expert and a couple of minutes mucking about with a prompt and slide bars can do is quickly closing.